What Techniques Are Effective for Teaching Children About Dental Care?


    What Techniques Are Effective for Teaching Children About Dental Care?

    To help you teach children about proper dental care effectively, we asked dental professionals for their best techniques. From using humor and mnemonics to creating a tooth detective adventure, here are the top four techniques these experts shared.

    • Use Humor and Mnemonics
    • Make Dental Care Fun
    • Praise and Gamify Brushing
    • Create a Tooth Detective Adventure

    Use Humor and Mnemonics

    Children are very imaginative, but often have short attention spans, especially with training and instruction. I use humor and mnemonics to impart the information that I want or the behavior I am trying to effect. For instance, when I want to have them stick out their tongue so I may examine and see, I refer to their tongue as a 'Virginia Pink Snake.' I then have them wave to me with it, ask them what they feed it, etc., and soon the exam is over and they enjoyed it! Never underestimate the value of silliness and humor with children (even the much-older children with anxieties).

    Robert MorrisonCEO, Morrison Dental Group

    Make Dental Care Fun

    Teaching children about proper dental care is crucial for establishing lifelong habits that ensure healthy teeth and gums. One highly effective approach is to make dental care fun by letting kids choose their own toothbrushes and toothpaste, especially those featuring their favorite characters or fun flavors. This simple act can turn brushing time into something they genuinely look forward to.

    I recently bought new toothbrushes adorned with my daughter's favorite character, and her excitement was as if she'd won the lottery. She couldn't wait to brush her teeth that night, and every time we came into the bathroom, she'd eagerly ask to brush again just to see her beloved princess. We regularly change toothbrushes, always selecting a character she loves, which keeps her involved and excited about her oral-care routine.

    Kids thrive on fun, so why not make oral hygiene an enjoyable part of their day?

    India Collier, DMD
    India Collier, DMDBoard Certified Orthodontist, Collier Orthodontic Services, LLC

    Praise and Gamify Brushing

    I have over 15 years of dental-industry experience in addition to my education and training, and during this time I've observed that children who associate dental care with positive experiences are far more likely to maintain good oral hygiene habits into adulthood. One of my most effective tips for teaching children about proper dental care (especially teeth brushing) is to make the process both engaging and fun.

    First, I make it a point to enthusiastically praise children for their efforts in dental care. Even if their technique isn't perfect, acknowledging their attempts encourages them to keep trying and improving. I also recommend apps that gamify the brushing experience. These apps often feature timers and rewards that make brushing and flossing more fun. If this doesn't work, try settling for a dance party. Kids love to hear their favorite song and will most likely enjoy brushing to the beat of the music.

    Katie Orr
    Katie OrrDentist, Dr. Katie Orr Family & Cosmetic Dentistry

    Create a Tooth Detective Adventure

    One of the common hurdles when it comes to dental care is overcoming fear of the dentist. When there are already so many adults with this fear, you can imagine how much worse it can be with children. I took some inspiration from what I saw a pediatric dental office do, where they treat the entire visit as a 'Tooth Detective Adventure,' where the child imagines themselves being on a mission to catch 'cavity monsters.' Gentle Dental Family Care serves all age groups, but when we are dealing with a child, we try to use similar concepts, making them feel like they are on an adventure. I give them daily missions that include brushing and flossing, and if they stick to it, I give them a 'Tooth Detective Certificate.'

    Rafael Boruchov
    Rafael BoruchovFounder, Gentle Dental Family Care